

 講演者のRay Shan博士は、Materials Design社の顧客サポートのディレクターです。米サンディア国立研究所でLAMMPS開発チームと働いていた経験をもち、力場計算やパラメータ開発に造詣の深い科学者です。



開催日時 会場
アットビジネスセンター東京駅八重洲通り 601号室





時間 内容
13:00 受付開始
13:30-13:40 ご挨拶  株式会社モルシス
13:40-14:40 Talk1: High Value from High Throughput in the MedeA
講演者: Materials Design社 Dr. Ray Shan
Abstract: Atomistic simulations provide materials properties and understanding that accelerate materials design and optimization. High throughput (HT) computations open unprecedented opportunities to explore the many dimensions of a design space, well beyond the traditional sequential investigations of one system at a time. In this seminar, we will illustrate how high throughput calculations in the MedeA Environment can save you research time and increase your efficiency by leveraging the comprehensive experimental structural databases and a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art computational methods that are fully integrated in MedeA. Combined with HT-Descriptors, we will demonstrate how important materials properties beyond the first-principles capability can be accurately estimated.
14:40-15:00 休憩
15:00-16:00 Talk2: Extending first-principles level of accuracy to classical regime
講演者: Materials Design社 Dr. Ray Shan
Abstract: Modeling and simulating molecules, metals, oxides, surfaces, and interfaces using first-principles methods provides the highest materials fidelity currently available, but are computationally intensive and size-limited. Classical forcefield-based simulations using accurate forcefields complement the strengths and weaknesses of first-principles methods. In this seminar, we will introduce state-of-the-art forcefields for investigating various materials systems at the first-principles level of accuracy, illustrate how one can develop accurate forcefield parameters with the MedeA Forcefield Optimizer module based on first-principles calculation, and present several application examples of using accurate forcefields to investigate materials responses that are beyond the first-principles capability.
16:00-16:30 MedeAデモ
16:30-16:50 Q&A


Dr. Ray Shan is Director of Support at Materials Design. Dr. Shan is a computational materials scientist who earned his Ph.D. from the University of Florida in 2011 and has spent most of his career on atomistic simulations. He has extensive experience in classical molecular dynamics simulations, forcefield development, and DFT calculations applied to semiconductors, metals and metal oxides, polymers, and energetic materials. He currently leads the Support team at Materials Design providing scientific and technical support for customers and prospects in using, installing, and configuring MedeA to solving their research and development problems. Prior to joining Materials Design, he was a scientist at Sandia National Labs for several years, working alongside LAMMPS developers Steve Plimpton and Aidan Thompson in developing and maintaining the LAMMPS molecular dynamics package. He is a regular contributor to the LAMMPS community and an experienced forcefields developer for a variety of challenging applications.

